Intellectual Property Rights
The Intellectual Property Rights concerning this website belong to RTS. Without prior written consent from RTS, it is not permitted to reproduce or disclose any part of this website, except as determined by the Copyright Act 1912.
Rotterdam Taxi Service RTS is registered with the Benelux Office for Intellectual Property.
- Extract from the trademark register Registration number
- Number and date of filing (day and hour)
1381925 / 19-09-2018, 21:21
- Expiration date
- Name and address of the holder
Rotterdam Taxi Service RTS Strevelsweg 14B
3075 AJ Rotterdam,
- Name and address of the representative or indication of the holder's correspondence address
(Hidden for privacy rights)
- Image of the trademark

- Classification of image elements, type of mark, colors, distinctive elements
CFE 7.1.24;26.3.2-3 yellow; black; white
- Class designation and specification of goods and services
Class 9 Mobile phone apps for taxi reservation
Class 39 Services of a taxi company; transportation of people and goods, especially in taxis, limousines, and buses; rental of vehicles; mediation in transportation reservations; coach services, namely, transporting people and goods; transportation of goods and people; rental of cars and taxis; loading and unloading of goods; taxi services; passenger transport; passenger transportation; personal transportation; taxi transport; taxi reservation services via mobile applications; transportation of passengers by taxi; taxi transport for wheelchair users
- Class enumeration (00 = up to and including)
09 39
- Date of registration
- Opposition period
From 20-09-2018 to 20-11-2018
- Publication date of registration
- Status
Assessment on absolute grounds in order
Rotterdam Taxi Service RTS and Rotterdam Taxi Centrale RTS are the only companies legally registered under the trade names "Rotterdam Taxi Service RTS" and "Rotterdam Taxi Centrale RTS" at the Chamber of Commerce (KvK). The use of our trade names, logos, or any other identifying feature of our company by others without our express written permission is prohibited and punishable under applicable law.
All content on this website is protected by copyright. No part of this website, including but not limited to text, images, graphic elements, and other multimedia components, may be reproduced, copied, downloaded, stored in an information system, made public, or otherwise duplicated without the express written permission of the copyright owner, in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Dutch Copyright Act.
Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of the content on this website may result in civil and criminal liability, as determined by the relevant provisions of the Dutch Civil Code (Burgerlijk Wetboek) and the Copyright Act. The copyright owner reserves the right to take legal action in case of any infringement, including but not limited to obtaining a court order, damages, and legal costs, as well as against advertising under these trade names on the internet or elsewhere.
For questions regarding the use of the content on this website, please contact the copyright owner according to the contact information provided on the website.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Rotterdam Taxi Service RTS. All rights reserved.